Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (2024)

Homemade Beet Juice.

Homemade beet juice recipe is immune-boosting, energizing, refreshing, and health-improving. The best part about this healthy beetroot juice is that it is naturally sweet; in other words, it does not require any added sugar. On the other hand, because this is a homemade juice, it is free from preservatives or additives, unlike commercially produced juices. If you want to know my thoughts on certain juices such as celery juice, pineapple- cucumber juice, grapefruit juice, pomegranate juice, etc.,make it yourself!I am yet to hear of anyone making a particular food for themselves proceeds to add something that could be detrimental to their health.

Unfortunately, when foods are produced in commercial quantities, the companies producing these foods are more interested in profit-making! Though that’s not necessarily a bad thing, most often, quality is sacrificed. To summarize, when it comes to beet juice, stick to making it yourself! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

[bctt tweet=”A fresh and delicious homemade beet juice recipe loaded with lemon, ginger and naturally sweetened with apple is the energy-giving, immune-boosting and over-all health-improving drink you need!” username=”NkechiAjaeroh”]

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (1)


Here are some of the reasons why you should definitely be juicing beets at home. The benefits of homemade juices are enormous and if you are still hesitant about eating beets, aka beetroot, start small by making this beet juice recipe, ASAP.

  • Beets (beetroot) can lower blood pressure. (more than 100 million Americans have high blood pressure according to heart.org), and an estimated 1.13 billion people have this disease Worldwide, according to WHO. Whether or not you have HBP, you can always enjoy a glass of homemade beet juice for its overall health benefits!
  • Beetroot can help with weight loss because it is low calorie. Easily juice them like we are doing today or add them to smoothies alongside other favorite fruit and veggies. At the same time, beets are phenomenal additions to salads; my shredded beet salad or beetroot and feta cheese are such unforgettable salads to try!
  • Body Detox: beet juice is excellent for helping the body get rid of toxins! This is why some people use it for detox or cleanse. Personally, I always include beet juice whenever am doing my 5-day detox/cleanse.
  • For one thing, I always trust beetroot with easily going in the morning! It is no news that beet can improve digestive health; say bye to stool softener; beetroot is here to help!
  • Instead of Gatorade, make this homemade beet juice recipe; it has health-improving electrolytes, and for this reason, this juice is said to improve athletic performance! Most sports drinks are artificially sweetened, unlike this recipe!
Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (2)


The benefits of beetroot juice for the skin are linked to its high vitamin C content. Additionally, adding cucumber to beet juice recipe specifically helps the skin health as well. Beets or beet juice can help the skin in the following ways:

  1. Anti-aging; the high vitamin C content of beetroot can keep the skin away from early wrinkling and aging.
  2. Treatment of acne: Beetroot has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are excellent for the skin. Beet juice is said to be significantly helpful with managing oily skin and pimples.
  3. Skin brightening: some studies argue that the high content of vitamin C in beets can help the skin fight pigmentations, thus improving skin glow! Please note that skin brightening is different from “skin lightening.” The former simply means glow/shine/radiance; glowing/radiant skin is #goal. Am not about skin lightening over here! 🤣🤣
  4. Beetroot juice has also been attributed with helping with hair growth.

The bottom line is that there are several benefits of drinking beet juice; beet (beetroot), just like most vegetables, can improve our skin’s overall health, and the earlier we embrace it, the better.

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (3)

Benefits of Apple, Lemon, and Ginger.


This fruit is so common that we could easily overlook all of it’s benefits. Remember the old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away? That’s is true (and true for most fruits and vegetables.) Even though for this recipe, apple is here mainly as a sweetener (to make the drink taste good), however, they are not without benefits; in fact, they have numerous benefits.

One of the antioxidants found in apple improves neurological health; this means that apple can significantly help memory improvement. Another study published in the Journal of Food in 2008 also corroborated this assertion. The risk for such disease as dementia may be reduced with daily apple consumption. It can lower the risk for type-2 diabetes, as well as great for people trying to lose weight.


This citrus king is currently one of my fav herbs to add to anything! Ask my fruit-infused-water recipes for glowing skin! I legit add lemon to everything!🤣🤣🤣🤣On the positive side, lemon is heart-healthy, can improve digestive health, has tons of vitamin C, fantastic for skin health, and can help prevent kidney stones! The bottom line is that I am grateful for the health benefits of this beautiful fruit!


Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory properties. This herb can help to reduce body pains such as those of arthritis, muscular pains, etc. Just like beetroot, ginger is equally heart-healthy and can lower the risk of heart diseases. I tell my friends that I am on the ginger side because I eat way more instead of eating less of it!🤣🤣🤣This is an excellent herb for people that wish to control cholesterol.Go ginger, go ginger, go ginger!(In my singing voice)

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (4)


This beet juice recipe only uses four ingredients, namely: beet or beetroot, lemon, ginger, and apple. However, if you are making this recipe in the blender, you need to add some water. All of these ingredients are very beneficial to health and vitality. Happy juicing!😊

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (5)

Ingredients for the Juicer:

My ingredients slightly change when I make this juice in the juicer, as you can see below. I would generally double or even quadruple the ingredients to produce the same amount of liquid that the blender would produce with only the above ingredients (which serves two adults or four children). Also, I love adding cucumber if I have any on hand whenever I use the juicer to make beet juice. Cucumber is the ultimate hydration, has plenty of water and helpful when juicing vegetables such as beetroot.

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (6)

Tools for making Beetroot Juice at Home:

  1. High-powered blender. I use this Oster blender (I love it)!
  2. Mesh strainer or sieve; mine is from KitchenAid.
  3. A Clean Bowl; you will need this when sieving the juice
  4. Slow Masticating Juicer is the best juicer for making cold-pressed juices. Any slow masticating juicer works; I have this Breville Juicer (check out the juicer process photo, it is huge). But I always use my AIco*k Juicer more regularly. Don’t worry about a juicer if you currently do not have any. Blender works just fine!


This homemade beet juice recipe is easy and nutritious! I will show you two different ways to make it; first, I will show you how to make it in the blender. Finally, I will show you how to make this juice using the juicer.

How to Make Beet Juice in the Blender:

Steps for making the best beet juice in the blender includes:

  • Wash and peel all the vegetables (I don’t usually peel the apple).
  • Cut the vegetables and fruits accordingly.
  • Add all the vegetables to the blender, and add water.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Sieve using a mesh strainer. By all means, use a solid spoon to press out as much juice as possible.
  • Enjoy any time of the day. I have heard that some people particularly like beet juice before bed and that is for a good digestive health reason.
  • Chill for a cooler, refreshing juice if you desire. (See the video for more)
Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (7)

How to Make Beet Juice in a Juicer:

Making beet juice in a juicer is even way easier than using a blender. To make this recipe in a juicer, first, wash, peel and cut the vegetables and fruits according to your juicer’s feeding hole size. Second, juice them accordingly following the manufacturer’s manual. Serve/enjoy as you wish! Chill for a more relaxed and refreshing drink!
Also, I do not generally peel the apples or cucumbers; I just cut them and juice them.

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (8)

What happens to the juice pulp? Add them to the dough for baked goods such as cookies, donuts, bread, pizzas, etc., or add them to plant burgers. Those are the two ways I naturally use this juice pulp. Tell me what you do with juice pulp in the comment.

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (9)

The Difference Between making Beet Juice in the Blender vs. a Juicer.

First, when you make beet juice in the blender, you use fewer ingredients. For instance, I would need one beetroot, one apple, a thumb of fresh ginger, half a lemon, and 500 ml water if I wish to make about 4 cups of homemade beet juice.

On the contrary, if I am trying to get the same quantity of liquid while using a juicer, I will need three big beetroots, 1-2 apples, one lemon, and a good amount of fresh ginger. I am sure you are already aware of this, but the juicer requires you to use more and more produce. Thus, the blender is a better choice for people trying to eat healthy on a low budget.

Second, juices made in the juicer are a lot more concentrated than those made in the blender. Personally, I don’t have a problem adding water alongside other ingredients to blend my homemade juices.

Third, both methods require almost the same amount of time! Sometimes, using the juicer may require more time because you are washing and cutting more vegetables than you would need for the blender.

Finally, I mentioned earlier that my preferred way of making this juice is using the blender, even though I have both a blender and a juicer. But in reality, it doesn’t really matter how you make it; it only matters that you make it!

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (10)

Beet Juice Recipe FAQs:

  • Is Beetroot Juice good for you?

Yes, this homemade beet juice recipe is excellent for you. I am not a fan of store-bought juices because I love the real thing!

  • Can you drink this homemade beet juice recipe every day?

Yes, you can drink this homemade beetroot juice every day; If you wish to drink beet juice every day, then be sure to plan for grocery shopping and juicing ahead of time.

  • What is the best way to make a homemade beet juice recipe?

The best way to make beet juice at home is either using the blender or the slow masticating juicer. At the same time, I think that the best way to make beet juice is to use the blender. Let’s call it the old-fashioned way – blend it, sieve it, drink it!

  • What to add to beet juice to make it taste better?

I typically add an apple to my homemade beet juice recipe to make it taste better! Apples are great sweeteners. If you are planning on juicing beet and carrot, then there could be no need for apples. When you add an apple to beet juice, it naturally sweetens it and makes the juice tastes better.

  • Can I use Beet juice for Detoxifying?

Yes, you can use this beet juice recipe for detoxifying; depending on your detox goal, you can definitely include this recipe in a 2-5 days detox plan! Check out my Celery juice cleanse post; there, I explained a little more about my 5-day detox and cleanse.

  • How Long Does Homemade Beet Juice Last?

Homemade beet juice can last up to 72 hours; however, I typically do not keep them for more than 48 hours (2 days). Make sure to keep it refrigerated as well.

[bctt tweet=”Naturally sweet and nutritious homemade beet juice recipe is refreshingly delicious with a touch of sweetness from the earthy beetroot and apple. And a kick of zing from the ginger and lemon! Make this healthy juice today, and thank yourself later!” username=”NkechiAjaeroh”]

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (11)

Tips/Variations for the Best Homemade Beet Juice Recipe.

  • Add cucumber if making it with a juicer (it helps to get more liquid).
  • Surprisingly, (well, not) leafy greens are phenomenal for this juicing; I usually alternate between kale and spinach. This is optional, but I enjoy adding leafy greens in juices for that extra fiber and a boost of iron.
  • Lose weight on beet juice; if you are trying to do a 10-Day Beets juice challenge. Use beetroot juice to substitute your breakfast for the next ten days. Remember also to stay away from unhealthy snacking.


Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (12)

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer)

5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star5 from 8 reviews

  • Author: Nkechi Ajaeroh, MPH
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 23 servings 1x
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Method: Juicer
  • Cuisine: Universal
  • Diet: Vegan
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Naturally sweet and nutritious homemade beet juice recipe is loaded with raw beetroot, apple, fresh ginger, and lemon. You can easily make this recipe using a blender or juicer. This homemade beetroot juice recipe is refreshingly delicious with a touch of sweetness from the earthy beetroot and apple. And a kick of zing from the ginger and lemon! Make this healthy juice today, and thank you later!



For the Blender:

1 Big Raw Beetroot (Beet)

1 Apple

1 Big thumb of ginger

½ of lemon

2 cups of water or 500ml

For the Juicer:

3 Big Beetroots (beet)

1 – 2 apples (add to suit you)

1 – 3 Big thumbs of ginger

1 lemon

1 cucumber (optional)


Instructions for the Blender:

  1. Wash and peel all the vegetables (I don’t usually peel the apple).
  2. Cut the vegetables and fruits accordingly
  3. Add all the vegetables to the blender, add water.
  4. Blend until smooth.
  5. Sieve with a mesh strainer.By all means, use a solid spoon to press out as much juice as possible.
  6. Enjoy any time of the day or chill a little before drinking.

Instructions for the Juicer:

  1. Wash all the ingredients, and peel; I don’t typically peel apple or cucumber.
  2. Cut the vegetables and fruits accordingly.
  3. Juice all the fruits and vegetables using the juicer, and juice according to the manufacturer’s manual.
  4. Chill for a cooler, refreshing juice if you desire. (See the video below for the hands on tutorial).


The recipe on the nutrition card is the version I made in the blender; typically, that’s the version I make all the time.

Also, beetroot can stain, if possible wear gloves!

You can always use lime if you don’t have a lemon.

If you do not want to sieve this recipe, make sure to blend it until very smooth with a high-powered blender, and then drink everything. Be sure to finish it that same day.

You can add more than one apple to suit you.

Feel free to sweeten this homemade beet juice with honey if you so desire.

My ingredients slightly change when I make this juice in the blender vs. when I make it in the juicer. I would generally double or even quadruple the ingredients to produce the same amount of liquid for the juicer. Also, I love adding cucumber if I have any on hand whenever I use the juicer.

Recipe Card powered byHomemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (13)


  • Sugar-free Pineapple Cucumber Juice
  • Celery Juice Recipe
  • Pomegranate Juice Recipe
  • Homemade Grapefruit Juice
  • 3-Ingredients Watermelon Juice
  • Ginger and Turmeric Drink for Weight loss (on my Youtube channel)


Healthy and Delicious Beet and Strawberry Smoothie Recipe. Whether you enjoy Smoothies only during the summer months, or perhaps you enjoy it all year round like me, this healthy and delicious beet strawberry smoothie is a must-try! ⤵️

Shredded Beet Salad: Always make raw vegan beetroot salad like a pro. This 15-minute Shredded Beets Salad Recipe with Citrus Dressing is refreshingly delicious, made with raw beets. Say no to bland beets recipes, but, say yes to this! ⤵️

Beet and Feta Cheese Salad: Easy to make raw beet salad with feta cheese, loaded with lettuce, cucumber, avocado, and salmon; serve with creamy yogurt dressing and top with your favorite things! I added pomegranate seeds, and it was perfect; the best part is that this recipe quickly comes together. ⤵️

THIS POST CONTAINS AFFILIATE LINKS, you are not charged more for using these links, but I make little coins when you do.

Finally, let’s connect on social media, am on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Share this recipe post, and SAVE/PIN THIS IMAGE ON PINTEREST!⤵️

Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (17)

Thanks so much for stopping by,


Homemade Beet Juice Recipe (in the Blender and Juicer) (2024)
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