Question posted by evinpace on 10 Feb 2011
Last updated on 2 March 2021
i recently spent some time in holland and i ran out of my normal anxiety medication lorazepam. my dosage was 1mg twice daily. so i went to see a family doctor and he referred me to a psychiatrist that simply asked me what i was prescribed and my dosage and then handed me a bottle of pills after he printed a label for it. The psychiatrist that gave them to me said they were xanax and had alprazolam 1mg printed on the bottle but i have been prescribed to xanax before and i have never seen this type of pill. it was simply put a small round light blue tablet with no markings, scores, imprints or anything to identify it and im wondering if what he gave me was actually xanax or just a placebo because it seemed to work for the first week but didnt last very long and slowly began to not control my anxiety throughout the day. i dont know if it was the lorazepam slowly leaving my system and the tablets were a placebo or if it was just a low dosage of xanax or a high tolerance to benzodiazapines or what. can someone please help? i wanna know if i was taking some strange med or if the dutch dr actually gave me xanax and i have no way of knowing since theres a couple hundred different round blue pills out there with no markings on them.
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3 Answers
Jason2021 2 March 2021
I came across these and they gave me bad withdrawal after using them for a day or 2, please what are these, I'm in Wisconsin
Votes: +0
WildcatVet 2 March 2021
"All prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in the U.S. are required by the FDA to have an imprint code. If your pill has no imprint it could be a vitamin, diet, herbal, or energy pill, or an illicit or foreign drug. It is not possible to accurately identify a pill online without an imprint code."
Jason2021 2 March 2021
I get drug tested and it doesn't show up in the u.a either
lindaannreynoldd 24 July 2019
Navy Blue Round Pill unmarked or not stamped could be an Iron Pill. Also, Vitamins can also be included that are not marked or stamped. In America, Medications that are approved as prescription medications will be stamped or marked with an identification on each pill. If a pill is not stamped or marked for identification, be careful. Hope this helps. linda.
Votes: +1
Plain Jane 14 Feb 2011
Unfortunately it is not possible to identify a pill online without an imprint. All Rx and OTC drugs in the US are required by the FDA to have an imprint, it is what enables us to identify them, however other countries do not have this law and unfortunately this makes id practically impossible.
If you knew what the pharamaceutical company we could possibly confirm that way depending what info is on their website. - Maybe you could email the doctor to enquire the brand of tablets given.
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evinpace 14 Feb 2011
Yeah, I actually just thought of that yesterday and sent an e-mail to his office this morning to request a formal copy of my medical records from.his office to provide to my therapist here in the states. I would feel a lot more comfortable with taking them since that's all I have until my next scheduled appointment with the psychiatrist if I could at least confirm that they are in fact xanax. They seem to be working short term but are not controlling my anxiety throughout the day as well as the lorazepam, I have come to the understanding that xanax is much more short acting than lorazepam.
I have spoken to my psychiatrist on the phone and he instructed me to continue to take the alleged xanax unless I feel some sort of side effect or otherwise ill effect and he also said that it is more than likely that it is xanax and my anxiety is what has me so worried about it but did tell me to get him a copy if ny medical record from the doc in Holland just to confirm and for his records ad well to add to my records with psychiatrist so he can keep track of my progression during the month in question. Thank you very much for the response and I appreciate the info on how things work in EU because I will be in and out of EU over the next year for work and this will be a recurring issue without further information and insight into the medical society there in EU. Thanks again!
PassmoreBrandi 30 Nov 2014
Hey I know this is from a few years ago but I was just wondering if you found out or even remember what that pill was u had? I came across som like that and I'm trying to figure out what they are... !
Thanks a ton
Gman85 8 Oct 2018
This question is Old, I know. I was reluctant to take them at 1st but when I took one it felt like I took 2mg xanax bars at once. It's probably just my body's chemistry but those little light blue circular xanax with no markings on it really mess me up so I stay away from them even though I can get them very easily
Rjones2323 17 Nov 2019
I also got some of these from a friend. They are small round no markings but a line down the back. They are extremely bitter just like a xanax they have a major sedative effect to them. He said they were xanax made in china. So really I have no ideal but all I know is they are very hard to wake up on. If anyone comes up with a definite answer would love to really know.
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Further information
- Lorazepam uses and safety info
- Side effects of Lorazepam (detailed)
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