IPEGS Professional Development Team (2024)

7/26/2020 IPEGS Professional Development Team For questions about IPEGS, contact us at: ipegs@dadeschools.net1 Welcome to the Introduction of the Instructional Performance Evaluation and Growth System2 Attendance Requirements Check that your camera is ON. Leave it ON. / Click to add text MUTE your microphone until called upon. RE‐MUTE when done. ZOOM SESSION GUIDELINES3 1

7/26/2020 Accessing IPEGS Resources Open your browser and access the following, using the Google Folder that was shared with you: The IPEGS Procedural Handbook The IPEGS Session Handout Packet The M‐DCPS/UTD Labor Contract The IPEGS Session Notetaking Guide Keep these documents open and available for your reference throughout the session.4 Working in Zoom: All Together  Move your cursor to the black bar at the bottom and find the "Participants" button.  Click on the "participants" button to open the participant list. Refer to it as needed. Notice the "Mute" and "More" next to your name, and the row of icons at the bottom.  Go to the bottom of the screen again and click on "Chat" to open the chat window. Refer to it as needed.  Finally, go back to the participant list on the right and find your name. Click on "More" to access the "Rename" function.5 TIMED ZOOM SKILL CHALLENGE TIMED ZOOM SKILL CHALLENGE: You have 3 minutes to complete all the steps on the following slide with your team You have 2 minutes to complete all the steps on the following slide.6 2

7/26/2020 TIMED ZOOM CHALLENGE 1. GO to the Participant List. 2. FIND your name. Check to make sure that the mic is on MUTE and camera is ON. 3. Look at the icons on the bottom. RAISE your hand, then LOWER it. 4. Identify the "Yes" and "No" buttons for responding. 5. Click on the gray "More" button on this row. Identify the response options: Thumbs down, thumbs up, and clap. 6. GO to "More" next to your name and find the "Rename: option. Add the word "DONE" to your name. 7. GO to Chat. Check the options: Everyone vs. Facilitator Kathy. Send a message to the instructor with your name and "DONE!"7 Meet and Greet Activity: Introduce yourself to your virtual "Table Groups." You will have three minutes total, so make sure everyone has a chance to speak. Use the "rename" function to change your name to show:  Your preferred name (how you wish to be addressed)  School  Subject area and/or grade levels of assignment  Years of teaching experience Note: We will be using the "rename" function today for different purposes. Please keep your preferred name constant. Example: Kathy; Hialeah Senior High; Language Arts; 38 years8 Shared Agreements  Inquire with any questions  Participate actively  Engage with the material  Give our full attention  Set your learning into action9 3

7/26/2020 Iconography Individual Share your screen as Reflection Activity directed QR Code to access Content Check Materials Take a picture or use “Save” feature Group Activity Use CHAT to Evidence‐Based System Debrief respond as directed10 TIMED ZOOM TEAM BREAKOUT CHALLENGE: You have 3 minutes to complete all the steps on the following slide in the Breakout Room with you with your Table Group Team. TAKE a screenshot or picture of the directions before you go to the breakout room and meet with your Table Group.11 BREAKOUT ROOM TEAM TASKS (3 minutes)  Speak with your teammates and determine your TEAM NAME.  IDENTIFY a SPEAKER for the team who will share out about your work  IDENTIFY a TIMEKEEPER to make sure that the team completes the work on time  IDENTIFY a PROCESS MONITOR to ensure all the assigned tasks are completed  IDENITFY a SCRIBE who will do the recording and writing of team responses Then...USE THE RENAME FUNCTION TO: ADD your TEAM NAME and YOUR TASK/ROLE to your PREFERRED NAME Example: Kathy; The IPEGS Iguanas; Timekeeper12 4

7/26/2020 Purposes of IPEGS Contribute to M-DCPS vision, mission, and goals Share responsibility for evaluation between the professional and the evaluator Ensure accountability for classroom/program performance Focus on professional growth Improve the quality of instructional services to increase student learning growth13 Understandings In M-DCPS: The contract and IPEGS Handbook both support the work of the teacher. IPEGS is the evaluation system used to rate teachers. IPEGS is a reflection and evidence-based system. The IPEGS process is also collaborative, with both the administrator and the professional gathering evidence about the professional’s work.14 hrdadeschools.net/ipegs15 5

7/26/2020 Tasks for Table Group Teams You will have two tasks that you will complete with your Table Group Teams. 1) Read an excerpt from the IPEGS Procedural Handbook, discuss it, and complete an activity on your Notetaking Guide. 2) Read an excerpt from the contract, discuss it with your group, and complete the corresponding activity on your Notetaking Guide.16 IPEGS Notetaking Guide: Parts 1 and 2 1) Access the IPEGS Procedural Handbook and the IPEGS Session Notetaking Guide in the Google folder. 2) Read the assigned sections. 3) Complete Parts 1 and 2 of the IPEGS Session Notetaking Guide and discuss with your Table NOTE: The IPEGS Procedural Handbook and the Contract are both very large documents, totaling Group Team hundreds of pages. You may wish to download them to a device you can access off‐line rather than print. .17 IPEGS Notetaking Guide: Part 3 Access the M‐DCPS/UTD Contract http://laborrelations.dadeschools.net/labor_union/UTD /UTD_2017‐2020_Successor.pdf OR The My Learning Plan Team Room Read: pp. 8‐9, Article IV, C, D and F p. 21 Article XI pp. 31‐33, Article XIII18 6

7/26/2020 Accessing Tools 1. Locate View Options at the top of the screen. 2. Click and scroll down to Annotate. 3. Click Stamp and select one. 4.Follow the instructions on the next slide.19 Tech Tools Exercise Use the available tools to do the following: Put a stamp in the mailbox. Underline two words anywhere on this page. Erase the underlining under one of the words. Circle the title of the slide. Put a box around any word on this page. Send a private message to the instructor that says, "IPEGS Rocks!" Use the spotlight tool to note which task you most enjoyed. Change the color of the arrow you used with the spotlight.20 Agenda  Attendance/Credit procedures  Purpose of IPEGS  IPEGS Performance Standards  Observation of Standards  Improving Professional Performance  DPGT Process  Required Documentation  Evidence for Summative Evaluation  Review and Closure21 7

7/26/2020 Learning Goals  Understand the IPEGS performance standards  Analyze the language of the IPEGS rubrics and the four-point rating system  Evaluate the sources and purposes of evidence in IPEGS relative to performance standards  Generate and evaluate examples of evidence/behaviors aligned to performance standards and applicable rubrics  Apply the learning to identify and classify observed evidence  Understand the Deliberate Practice Growth Target (DPGT) process and the connection to IPEGS  Apply the DPGT rubric to evaluate a sample DPGT  Understand the procedures and timelines in the Summative Evaluation Process22 Timeline Probationary Teacher Other Contract Status Teacher Within the 1st 30 days All teachers new to a school or the district must be observed October 22, 2020 DPGT Reflection and End of 1st Nine Weeks Development Phase Submission 2 weeks after submission DPGT Review and collaborative discussion with Administrator End of 1st Nine Weeks First Observation Observation(s) can take place during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Nine weeks End of 2nd Nine Weeks Formative Evaluation End of 3rd Nine Weeks Second Observation May 6, 2021 (35 Days DPGT Reflection and Outcome before the end of the Phase Submission school year) End‐of‐year Documentation23 Who is Evaluated Using IPEGS? Instructional Personnel Categories Instructional Personnel Categories for each handbook Teachers Student Services* Instructional Support* Counselors, TRUST Specialists Curriculum Specialists School Social Workers Lead Teachers School Psychologists Library/Media Specialists Speech/Language Pathologists Program Specialists Other Positions Teachers on Special Assignment Other Positions * Job titles listed are samples of the many diverse positions within the instructional support and student services personnel categories.24 8

7/26/2020 Three Components of an IPEGS Evaluation Learner Progress Professional Practices DPGT25Documenting Performance Learner Progress Professional Practices Required Documentation Evidence of Professional Learning Evidence of Communication Deliberate Practice Growth Target leads to….. Unified Summative Performance Evaluation using a Four-Point Rating System26 Professional Practices Observable Non‐Observable Standards Standards USR Learner DPGT Progress27 9

7/26/2020 Weightings Three Components • Learner Progress(Standard 1) = • Professional Practices = (Standards 2-7 or 2-8) • Deliberate Practice Growth Target = Single Unified Summative Rating28Reflection Questions What does your administrator know about your teaching practice? What does your administrator NOT know about your teaching practice? For those things that the administrator does NOT know, how might you make sure the administrator has the relevant information about your teaching practice?29 Question What do you think is at the heart of the IPEGS system?30 10
7/26/202031 Teachers Legend for IPEGS Performance Standards: Learner Progress Observable Standards Non-Observable Performance Standards 1. Learner Progress 5. Assessment 2. Knowledge of Learners 6. Communication 3. Instructional Planning 7. Professionalism 4. Instructional Delivery 8. Learning Environment and Engagement32 Performance Standards for Teachers 1. Learner Progress (34%) The work of the teacher results in acceptable and measurable learner progress as specified in state statutes. 2. Knowledge of Learners (8%) The teacher identifies and addresses the needs of learners by demonstrating respect for individual differences, cultures, backgrounds, and learning styles. 3. Instructional Planning (8%) The teacher uses appropriate curricula, instructional strategies, and resources to develop lesson plans that include goals and/or objectives, learning activities, assessment of student learning, and home learning in order to address the diverse needs of students. 4. Instructional Delivery and Engagement (8%) The teacher promotes learning by demonstrating accurate content knowledge and by addressing academic needs through a variety of appropriate instructional strategies and technologies that engage learners.33 11
7/26/2020 Performance Standards for Teachers (Continued) 5. Assessment (6%) The teacher gathers, analyzes, and uses data (including required assessment data, if applicable) to measure learner progress, guide instruction, and provide timely feedback. 6. Communication (6%) The teacher communicates effectively with students, their parents or families, staff, and other members of the learning community. 7. Professionalism (6%) The teacher demonstrates behavior consistent with legal, ethical, and professional standards and engages in continuous professional growth. 8. Learning Environment (8%) The teacher creates and maintains a safe learning environment while encouraging fairness, respect, and enthusiasm.34 Legend for IPEGS Performance Standards: Instructional Support Learner Progress and Student Services Observable Standards Non-Observable Professionals Performance Standards 1. Learner/Program 5. Assessment Progress 2. Knowledge of Learners 6. Communication 3. Program Management 7. Professionalism 4. Program Delivery35 Performance Standards for Instructional Support and Student Services Professionals 1. Program Progress (34%) The work of the student services/instructional support professional results in acceptable and measurable learner or program progress as specified in state statutes. 2. Knowledge of Learners (9%) The student services/instructional support professional identifies and addresses the needs of the target learning community by demonstrating respect for individual differences, and understanding of cultures, backgrounds, and learning styles. 3. Program Management (9%) The instructional support professional plans, organizes, promotes, and manages programs and/or services to meet the diverse needs of all learners. The student services professional plans, organizes, and manages programs and/or services to meet the diverse needs of all learners. 4. Program Delivery (9%) The instructional support professional uses knowledge of subject/content/field/technology to implement services for the targeted learning community consistent with established standards and guidelines. The student services professional uses knowledge of subject/content/field/technology to implement services for learners and the learning community consistent with established standards and guidelines.36 12
7/26/2020 Performance Standards for Instructional Support and Student Services Professionals (Continued) 5. Assessment (9%) The instructional support professional gathers, analyzes, and uses data (including required assessment data, if applicable) to measure and guide learner or program progress, and to provide timely feedback. The student services professional gathers, analyzes, and uses data (including required assessment data, if applicable) to measure and guide learner or program progress and to provide timely feedback. 6. Communication (7%) The instructional support professional communicates effectively with learners, their parents or families, staff, and other members of the learning community. The student services professional communicates effectively with learners, their parents or families, staff, and other members of the learning community and advocates for learners. 7. Professionalism (7%) The student services/instructional support professional demonstrates behavior consistent with legal, ethical, and professional standards and engages in continuous professional growth.37 Check for Understanding How do you know whether you have 7 or 8 performance standards that you are expected to demonstrate in your work?38 IPEGS Performance Standards Activity In your Breakout Room Table Group Team:  Use the language of the eight performance standards to complete this Handout.  Demonstrate your collective understanding of performance standards 1-8 using the designated methods in each box.  Select a spokesperson for your group before returning the main room. That individual should use the rename feature to add the role designation to their name. Standard 1 – Standard 2 – Standard 5 – Standard 6 – list four key draw a pictorial list four key draw a pictorial words representation words representation Standard 3 – Standard 4 – Standard 7 – Standard 8 – write three write a one write three list four key bulleted phrases sentence bulleted phrases words summary39 13
7/26/2020Select and Share Virtual Protocol withIPEGS Performance Standards Activity Complete the 8 quadrants as a table group. Your Table Group Breakout Room already has a spokesperson. The facilitator calls on a table group to report on standard 1. The spokesperson from that table group shares, and then calls on a second table group. The second spokesperson will call on a third table group. After the spokesperson from the third table shares, that spokesperson will: Ask,“ Are there any additions or amendments?” Pause to give wait time. Accept participant responses. (Raise hands or unmute and speak) Confirm agreement (Thumbs up) Call on the first table group to report on the next standard40Four-point Rating Scale Highly Effective -- High-quality performance exceeds the requirements contained in the standard(s). Effective – Effective performance meets the requirements contained in the job description. Developing/Needs Improvement – Ineffective performance that requires support in meeting the standard(s); Unsatisfactory – Poor quality performance that fails to meet the requirements contained in the standard(s). A rating of “Developing” can only be assigned in a professional’s first 3 years. The final summative performance evaluation indicates recommended or not recommended for continued employment.41 Rubric Activity Use the IPEGS Performance Standards and Rubrics Handout. Identify common terminology for the Performance Standards of the rubric on all 8 or all 7 performance standards for Unsatisfactory and Developing/Needs Improvement. Identify language differences between Effective and Highly Effective.42 14
7/26/2020 Rubric Activity Use the IPEGS Performance Standards and Rubrics Handout. Identify common terminology for the Step one Performance Standards of the rubric on all 8 or all 7 performance standards for Unsatisfactory and Developing/Needs Improvement. Identify language differences between Effective and Highly Effective.43 Start with Performance Standard 844 Rubric Activity Use the IPEGS Performance Standards and Rubrics Handout. Identify common terminology for the Performance Standards of the rubric on all 8 or all Step two 7 performance standards for Unsatisfactory and Developing/Needs Improvement. Identify language differences between Effective and Highly Effective.45 15
7/26/2020 Start with Performance Standard 846 Rubric Activity Use the IPEGS Performance Standards and Rubrics Handout. Identify common terminology for the Performance Standards of the rubric on all 8 or all 7 performance standards for Unsatisfactory and Developing/Needs Improvement. Step three Identify language differences between Effective and Highly Effective.47 This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.48 16
7/26/2020 What level of performance would this represent?49 What level of performance would this represent? This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY‐NC‐ND.50 What level of performance would this represent? This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY‐SA.51 17
7/26/2020 What level of performance does this represent? This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY‐SA‐NC.52 Discuss starting with Performance Standard 353 Lunch Break54 18
7/26/2020 Professional Practices Observable Non‐Observable Standards Standards USR Learner DPGT Progress55 Observation Details Observations… may be scheduled or unscheduled, but must be consistent within the school must last at least 20 consecutive minutes56 Observation(s) by Contract Status Required Minimum Contract Status Number of Observations a Year Probationary Contract 2 Annual Contract 1 Professional Service 1 Contract Continuing Contract 157 19
7/26/2020 Observation Timeline Timeline Activity By the end of Initial observation of all NEW the first grading (Probationary Contract Status) period personnel, inclusive of the post- (10/22/2020) observation meeting. By the end of Second observation of Probationary the third Contract Status professionals, grading period inclusive of the post-observation (03/25/2021) meeting. Observation of professionals with any other contract status.58 Capturing Evidence During an Observation During an observation, An assessor will capture sufficient evidence to complete the Observation of Standards Form What is the professional doing? Ex: Reviewed the home-learning assignment  What are the students doing? Ex: Students were engaged after transitioning from the previous activity What are other sources of evidence? Ex: Student work folders include up-to-date graded assignments with feedbackI will look A teacher should consider what evidence of the observable standards is evident during the lesson, and what additional evidence the professional might wish to bring to a post-observation meeting.59 Preparing for the Post Observation Conference (Teacher Reflection)  What is something you want your administrator to know about your practice?  How could you share this information with your administrators?  What might you bring to a post- observation meeting that might provide evidence of that?60 20
7/26/2020 Preparing Comments for the Observation of Standards Form (OSF) (Administrator Responsibilities) Create a picture of what occurred Identify applicable standards and organize the information Provide descriptive and detailed information about each observable standard Record the evidence on the OSF61 Post Observation Meeting Meeting occurs within 10 calendar days of the observation. Professional and assessor review and discuss evidence observed. Professional may offer additional evidence. Assessor may offer suggestions for improvement. No rating is generated at this meeting. Ratings are assigned during the summative evaluation process.6263 21
7/26/202064 Possible Outcomes of an Observation The OSF becomes evidence for the Professional Practices part of the evaluation. OR In the event that an area of improvement is identified during the observation, then a Support Dialogue (SD) is initiated.65 Improving Professional Performance Independent Support Suggested Support An administrator recommends an area for growth Professional receives a change of assignment (Mid-Year or Year-to-Year)66 22
7/26/2020 Professional Practices Observable Non‐Observable Standards Standards USR DPGT Learner Progress67 Performance Standard 5: Assessment The teacher gathers, analyzes, and uses data (including required assessment data, if applicable) to measure learner progress, guide instruction, and provide timely feedback. Samples: Evidence of assessment data: state/local, student work folders, electronic data, IEP’s etc. Evidence of a connection between the data and instructional practices Evidence of timely feedback68 Performance Standard 6: Communication The teacher communicates effectively with students, their parents or families, staff, and other members of the learning community. Evidence may include: And may be presented in various formats: E-mails Log Meeting Agendas Bulleted list Data Chat Notes Summary paragraph Community Involvement Copies of e-mails, Flyer newsletters, etc. Parental Workshop notice69 23
7/26/2020 Performance Standard 7. Professionalism The teacher demonstrates behavior consistent with legal, ethical, and professional standards and engages in continuous professional growth. Professional Development And may be presented in Evidence may include various formats: activities such as: Professional Development Log Reading Education Journals Bulleted list Attending education/ Summary paragraph leadership conferences Sharing in PLC or Lesson Copies of e-mails, Study Groups newsletters, etc. Focus on Deliberate Practice70 Performance Standard 7. Professionalism The teacher demonstrates behavior consistent with legal, ethical, and professional standards and engages in continuous professional growth. Resources for legal, ethical, and professional standards: Florida Educator Professional Standards: Florida Ethics Principles: Florida Education Laws: School Board Policies: M-DCPS/UTD Contract: IPEGS Information:71“Look Fors” and “Red Flags” Gallery Walk You will be assigned to a new Gallery Walk group (2-8) The group number (2-8) indicates which Performance Standard is the "Home" Standard. Use the IPEGS Standards and the IPEGS Performance Standards Activity handout as you go on a virtual Gallery Walk. Starting at your "Home" Standard, write two (2) “Look Fors" and two (2) “Red Flags” When finished move to the next standard and add (2) “Look Fors ' and two (2) “Red Flags ’ . You may add a checkmark, stamp, or emoji if your group agrees with a detail already noted on the chart, but make sure to add two new ones as well for each side. Repeat this activity until you return to your "home" standard. As a group, choose your top two “Look Fors” and the top two “Red Flags” on the chart(s). Your choices should be based on the language of the standard. Designate a group member to be the spokesperson and report out on the group’s top two “Look Fors” and “Red Flags,” along with the group’s rationale for their choice. Anchor the response in the language of the standard72 24
7/26/2020 Gallery Walk Presentations Present your group’s top 2 Look Fors and Red Flags, your rationale, and how they are supported by the language of the standard. The facilitator will call on the spokesperson for standard 2. The spokesperson will: read the standard, share the group’s responses, ask for additions or amendments, and confirm agreement Then the spokesperson will call on the spokesperson for the next standard. Repeat process for the remaining standards.73 Reflection Which of the IPEGS Standards do you already know well and could provide evidence of in your work? and Which of the IPEGS Standards would you like to study more, implement more effectively, or learn how to better gather evidence for? Why?74 Improving Professional Performance 1) Support Dialogue (SD) Professional’s performance is not meeting the standard. Professional is notified of a scheduled SD meeting within 10 calendar days of an observation. Support Dialogue (SD) Meeting Notification Form must be issued no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the SD meeting Process takes twenty-one calendar days; can be extended up to ten (10) work days 2) Improvement Plan (IP) Performance is unsatisfactory in any standard. Process occurs after completion of unsuccessful Support Dialogue (SD).75 25
7/26/2020 Support Dialogue (SD) Designed to facilitate discussion about identified performance standard(s) and ways to address improvement Includes a 21-Calendar day period to receive support and implement changes in performance Both parties share what each will do to support the professional’s growth Includes the professional’s right to union representation and/or peer support May result in the professional being Effective, SD extended, or an Improvement Plan(IP)76 Support Dialogue Discussion IPEGS Procedural Handbook: IPEGS Support Dialogue Meeting Notification Form (FM 7406)77 Improvement Plan (IP) Initiated after Support Dialogue(SD) has been completed Implemented when the professional’s performance remains unsatisfactory in one or more standard(s) Developed collaboratively by the site administrator and the professional, with union representation, if desired A 90-Calendar Day Probation Period Desired outcome is to improve the professional’s performance to an effective level May result in being not recommended for continued employment78 26
7/26/2020 ImprovementPlan Sequence of Events79 Improvement Plan (IP) If the IP cannot be completed before the end of the school year, it is continued to the next year and the summative evaluation is withheld until the process is completed. A transfer does not extend the period of the IP.80 Improvement Plan Form IPEGS Procedural Handbook: IPEGS Improvement Plan Form (FM 7311)81 27
7/26/2020 Professional Practices Observable Non‐Observable Standards Standards USR Learner DPGT Progress82 Performance Standard 1: Learner Progress The work of the teacher results in acceptable and measurable learner progress as specified in F.S. 1012.34 Pursuant to state statute 1012.34, as amended in 2011 under the Student Success Act, and updated in 2015 through House Bill (HB) 7069, at least one-third of an instructional professional’s evaluation must be based on student learning growth assessed annually and measured by statewide assessments or, for subjects not measured by statewide assessments, by district assessments as specified in 1008.22.83 Independent Support and Growth ExperiencesRequired Support (Based on a USR rating)The Unified Summative Rating (USR) is less than Effective(The USR includes three components: VAM, Professional Practices, and Deliberate Practice Growth Target)84 28
7/26/2020 Professional Practices Observable Non‐Observable Standards Standards USR Learner DPGT Progress85 Excerpt from Florida Statute 1012.98 "… school principals may establish and maintain an individual professional development plan for each instructional employee assigned to the school as a seamless component to the school improvement plans.”86 Deliberate Practice Growth Target A GUIDE FOR PROFESSIONALS87 29
7/26/2020 Reflection Questions 1. Which standard would you like to work on to improve your practice? Why? 2. How can you use deliberate practice to improve in this area? 3. How will improving in this area impact student learning?88 DPGT Procedures Guide Key Components of the Reflection and Development Phase 1. Data Collection Focus 2. Needs Assessment 3. Growth Target 4. Plan of Action 5. DPGT Form Key Components of the Reflection and Outcome Phase 6. Impact 7. Complete the DPGT Process The steps outlined on the following slides will help you understand how to complete the DPGT process.89 DPGT Process Reflection and Development Phase Step 1: Data Collection Collect information and data on your professional practice and on student learning. What sources of qualitative or quantitative data can you use to identify areas for your professional growth and to determine your students’ needs?90 30
7/26/2020 Step 1: Examples of Qualitative and Quantitative Data Accelify Logs and Journals Anecdotal Records Previous Academic Performance Baseline Assessments Previous IPEGS evaluations Climate Surveys Professional Reflection Diagnostic Assessments School Improvement Plan FAB/BIP Student Observations IEPs Student Portfolios Learning Styles Inventory Student Surveys91 DPGT Process Reflection and Development Phase Step 2: Needs Assessment/Focus Select one area of focus expected to impact professional practices and support student learning. What areas of self-improvement might be your primary focus? Based on the area chosen, think about what instructional practices might help you to grow professionally and improve student(s) learning.92 Focus Based on the available information, what can be used to narrow the focus, and how will it improve student learning?93 31
7/26/2020 Step 2: Needs Assessment/Focus Examples Sample Objectives To improve mathematics teaching methods To create a monitoring system that will assist students in planning for educational and vocational choices To provide more Inquiry-Based strategies for science To incorporate authentic English/Language Arts (ELA) critical thinking strategies during instruction94 DPGT Process Reflection and Development Phase Step 3: Growth Target Determine a deliberate growth target that addresses professional practices that impact student learning. Based on your focus, think about the growth target as it impacts student learning.95 Growth Target What does the professional plan to learn to improve practice regarding the area of focus and how will that improve student learning?96 32
7/26/2020 Step 3: Growth Target Example Example of a deliberate practice growth target: I will engage in professional learning to become more knowledgeable about the application of Mathematics Florida Standards. As a result, students will be able to access the curriculum at their instructional level and demonstrate improvement in math literacy. ___________________ __________________ What general steps will you take How will the steps address towards your target? student learning?97 DPGT Process Reflection and Development Phase Step 4: Plan of Action Describe the specific professional learning [i.e., professional development (PD) and/or professional growth experience(s)] that will help you to achieve your deliberate practice growth target.98 Plan of Action What actions will the professional take to meet the growth target?99 33
7/26/2020 Step 4: Plan of Action Example I plan to attend scheduled mathematics professional development activities. Additionally, I will observe a peer and reflect with a colleague each quarter to strengthen my professional practice. Professional Learning Professional Growth Professional Development Experiences Activities (points or credits may be attached) (points or credits must be attached) I plan to… ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________.100 DPGT Reflection and Development Phase Rubric Terminology IN PROGRESS COMPLETE The professional is in The professional has VS. the process of completed the DPGT developing a DPGT Development Phase and/or awaiting the and the planning DPGT planning conversation has conversation. occurred.101 Rubric for DPGT Reflection and Development Phase Phase Complete In Progress DPGT The Professional has The professional is in the Development completed the DPGT process of developing a Development Phase and DPGT and/or awaiting the the Planning conversation DPGT planning has occurred. conversation. 5.6 0 Points:______ Points: _____102 34
7/26/2020DPGT Reflection and Development Phase Electronic Submission To submit your DPGT: Go to: hrinfo.dadeschools.net/dpgt Log in: Employee Number (XXXXXX) Password: Last 4 of your SS # (XXXX) This is NOT the same process as logging in to the portal or to My Learning Plan. 1) Log in so the DPGT system will recognize you. 2) Log out and contact your administrator so they can “override” your form. 3) Log back in after they have done so; complete and submit your DPGT.103 Start at: hrinfo.dadeschools.net/dpgt104 Password is the last 4 digits of your social security number105 35
7/26/2020 Password is the last 4 digits of your social security number If it is your FIRST time in the system, log in and then log back out. Notify your administrator that you are ready for them to do an “override.”106 Open the document for the current school year (2020‐2021)107 If green, add your Reflection and Development information Note the red background. No changes may be made until the “override” is completed and the background turns green.108 36
7/26/2020 At the end of the school year add your Reflection and Outcome Information Note that the background is green. This allows you to type into the form, save, and submit information.109 Monitoring DPGT Progress • Your DPGT should be implemented throughout the school year. • Check in periodically. • Make adjustments and changes as needed and monitor your progress towards your growth target. • Once you have submitted your initial DPGT, your administrator will need to "override" your DPGT to release it to you for editing.110 DPGT Process Reflection and Outcome Phase Step 6: Impact Describe how your professional growth target has been achieved and the impact on your professional growth and student(s) learning. How do you know that you met your goal? Refer to your Deliberate Practice Growth Target form and data. What is your evidence? (i.e., PLC logs/agendas; formal and informal assessment data; student attendance logs; student work, professional reflection documentation)111 37
7/26/2020 Impact Progress Monitoring How did the professional monitor progress toward the goal? Were any modifications needed? Outcome What has been the impact on the professional’s growth and student learning?112 Step 6: Impact Example As a result of attending mathematics trainings, observing a peer, and reflecting with a colleague, I gained new knowledge and instructional strategies. As a result of integrating these strategies, my students demonstrated increased math literacy as evidenced by improved scores on the topic assessments throughout the course of the year.113 DPGT Reflection and Outcome Phase Rubric Terminology Meets Partially Meets Does Not Meet The professional The professional The professional’s impact successfully implements implements the DPGT, but statement is missing or the DPGT and the impact the impact statement is does not reflect statement includes inadequate because it is implementation of the thoughtful reflection, missing one or more of the DPGT. evidence of information required elements: used to monitor progress thoughtful reflection, of the DPGT, explanation monitoring information, of any necessary adjustments, or it is adjustments, and an missing clear evidence of analysis of both the the expected impact of individual’s professional the individual’s growth and how it impacts professional growth on student learning. student learning.114 38
7/26/2020 Rubric for DPGT Reflection and Outcome Phase DPGT Reflection and Outcome Phase Trace the implementation of your DPGT throughout the school year. Include information about how you reflected on your plan of action, what information you utilized to determine the impact of your professional learning on student growth, whether or not you made any adjustments to the implementation, and how you would describe the final impact (or end result) of your professional growth on student learning. Phase Meets Partially Meets Does Not Meet DPGT The professional successfully The professional The professional’s Outcome implements the DPGT and implements the DPGT, but impact statement is the impact statement the impact statement is missing or does not includes thoughtful inadequate because it is reflect implementation reflection, evidence of missing one or more of the of the DPGT. information used to monitor required elements: progress of the DPGT, thoughtful reflection, explanation of any necessary monitoring information, adjustments, and an analysis adjustments, or it is of both the individual’s missing clear evidence of professional growth and how the expected impact of the it impacts student learning. individual’s professional growth on student learning. Points: Points: Points: 10.4 4 0115 Rubric for DPGT Reflection and Outcome Phase DPGT Reflection and Outcome Phase Trace the implementation of your DPGT throughout the school year. Include information about how you reflected on your plan of action, what information you utilized to determine the impact of your professional learning on student growth, whether or not you made any adjustments to the implementation, and how you would describe the final impact (or end result) of your professional growth on student learning. Phase Meets Partially Meets Does Not Meet DPGT The professional successfully The professional The professional’s Outcome implements the DPGT and implements the DPGT, but impact statement is the impact statement the impact statement is missing or does not includes 1 thoughtful inadequate because it is reflect implementation reflection, 2 evidence of missing one or more of the of the DPGT. information used to monitor required elements: progress of the DPGT, 3 thoughtful reflection, explanation of any necessary monitoring information, adjustments, and an analysis adjustments, or it is of both the 4 individual’s missing clear evidence of professional growth and 5 the expected impact of the how it impacts student individual’s professional learning. growth on student learning. Points Points: Points: 10.4 4 0116 DPGT Process Reflection and Outcome Phase Step 7: Completion of DPGT Process Reflect on your DPGT implementation and prepare to complete and submit the DPGT reflection and outcome section online. This is completed within the same time frame as the end-of-the year IPEGS documentation cover sheet and supporting documents. Your administrator will review the submitted DPGT form.117 39
7/26/2020 DPGT Process: Electronic Submission To submit your DPGT: Go to: hrinfo.dadeschools.net/dpgt Log in with your: Employee Number (XXXXXX) Password: Last 4 of your SS # (XXXX) This is NOT the same process as logging in to the portal or to My Learning Plan. Inputting information: If the fields are green, you will be able to input your information and submit your DPGT. If the DPGT fields are red, contact your administrator so they can use the "override" function to allow your access.118 2020-2021 DPGT Form Due May 6, 2021119 Lily Pond’s DPGT Information 1, 2, 3 Strategy Place a check mark on each stage of the Reflection and Development Phase of the form if there is a completed: • focus statement • growth target statement • plan of action statement120 40
7/26/2020 Lily Pond’s DPGT Information CUBES Strategy Circle the thoughtful reflection. Underline evidence of information used to monitor progress of the DPGT. Box the explanation of any necessary adjustments. !Exclaim (place an exclamation mark) by the analysis of the professional’s growth. Star the analysis of the impact on student learning. ! ! !121 2020-21 DPGT Process Important Dates Reflection and Development Phase October 22, 2020 (the professional submits) November 12, 2020 (designated administrator signs) Reflection and Outcome Phase May 6, 2021 (the professional submits) June 3, 2021 (the designated administrator signs)122 Professional Practices Non‐ Observables Observables USR Learner DPGT Progress123 41
7/26/2020 Summative Evaluation124 What is Submitted with the Documentation Cover Sheet? Teachers: Instructional Support and Student Services: Completed Evidence of Professional Learning: Completed Evidence of Professional Development and Professional Learning: /or Professional Growth Professional Development and Experiences /or Professional Growth Experiences Completed Evidence of Completed Evidence of Communication Communication OPTIONAL DOCUMENTATION  relevant evidence that helps to show that a standard has been met  sample product Required documentation must be submitted at least 35 calendar days prior to the last day of the school year.125126 42
7/26/2020 End-of-Year Summative Performance Evaluation The professional and the administrator meet to review the evaluation and the points awarded for each part. A provisional recommendation for employment is made. The professional and the administrator sign the form.127 What Elements are Factored into the Summative Evaluation Decision? Learner Progress (IPEGS Performance Standard 1) (34 percentage points) Professional Practices (50 percentage points)  IPEGS Performance Standards 2-8 for Teachers  IPEGS Performance Standards 2-7 for Instructional Support and Student Services Professionals Evidence from classroom observation(s) Evidence of professional learning Evidence of communication Other relevant sources, including evidence offered by the professional Deliberate Practice Growth Target (DPGT) (16 percentage points) Ratings are based on well-defined rubrics for each performance standard.128 IPEGS Component 1 Performance Standard 1: Learner Progress Contribution to the total rating 34% based upon Student Learning Growth (Total of 34 possible percentage points) Highly Effective 34 percentage points Effective 25.5 percentage points Developing/ 17 percentage points Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory 8.5 percentage points129 43
7/26/2020 Independent Support and Growth Experiences Required Support (Based on the USR) The Unified Summative Rating (USR) is less than Effective The professional will be provided with Professional Growth Experiences (PGEs) (The USR includes three components: VAM, Professional Practices, and Deliberate Practice Growth Target)130 IPEGS Component 2 IPEGS Performance Standards 2-8 (Total of 50 possible percentage points) 32 percentage points Observable Standards Plus 18 percentage points Non-Observable Standards131 IPEGS Component 3 Deliberate Practice Growth Target (Total of 16 possible percentage points)132 44
7/26/2020 The Unified Summative Rating How is it calculated? Performance Deliberate Unified Performance Standard Practice Summative Standard 1 2-8 or 2-7 Growth Target Rating (34%) (50%) (16%) (100%)133 Components 1, 2, and 3 Percentage Points for the Unified Summative Rating 90% - 100% = Highly Effective 80% - 89.99% = Effective 40% - 79.99% = Developing (Years 1, 2, or 3 only) 40% - 79.99% = Needs Improvement (Years 4 and above) 0% - 39.99% = Unsatisfactory See hrdadeschools.net/ipegs for the current information.134 Pending Pending Cut scores jointly revisited each year.135 45
7/26/2020 Review Process A professional may request a review of up to three standards. The formal request and all supporting documents must be submitted no later than 7 days after the last day of the school year for professionals. Appendix B of the IPEGS Procedural Handbook details all the steps in the Request for Review process. The Request for Review process is initiated at the end of the school year but is not completed until the following school year when the Final Summative Rating is determined.136 IPEGS Highlights Unified Summative Performance Rating 4 defined levels (HE, E, D/NI, U) Rating Based on a Mathematical Calculation 34% IPEGS Performance Standard 1: Learner Progress 50% IPEGS Performance Standards 2-8 or 2-7 (Professional Practices) 16% Deliberate Practice Growth Target Provisional Summative Evaluation Rating (90-day window to modify based on data) Impact of Contract Status on Teacher Evaluation Schedule137 IPEGS Strategies Please think about ways that you can:  participate in the collaborative activities (such as DPGT discussion and summative meeting)  stay organized  submit appropriate documents, and meet all deadlines to meet your professional responsibilities as required by IPEGS.138 46
7/26/2020 Revisiting our Learning Goals  Understand the IPEGS performance standards  Analyze the language of the IPEGS rubrics and the four-point rating system  Evaluate the sources and purposes of evidence in IPEGS relative to performance standards  Generate and evaluate examples of evidence/behaviors aligned to performance standards and applicable rubrics  Apply the learning to identify and classify observed evidence  Understand the Deliberate Practice Growth Target (DPGT) process and the connection to IPEGS  Apply the DPGT rubric to evaluate a sample DPGT  Understand the procedures and timelines in the Summative Evaluation Process139 Unpacking Professional Practice What did you see today that showed how we identified and met the needs of our learners? PS 2 What evidence did you see today that shows this session was planned? PS 3 Which activities did we do today that were delivered PS 4 effectively, or that really engaged you? How did we create a safe environment and show PS 8 respect for the individual differences of our learners?140 IPEGS Procedural Handbook All professionals are responsible for the information contained in the IPEGS Procedural Handbook. Training is not in lieu of reading the handbook.141 47
7/26/2020 Accessing the Required MLP Evaluation142 My Learning Plan Evaluation: S.M.A.R.T Goal Part 1 of the Evaluation requires a S.M.A.R.T. goal that is related to the learning that you gained from this professional development session. How are you planning to apply your learning?143 Creating a Smart Goal Smart goals provide a tool for setting school-wide goals, aligned with district initiatives, to promote continuous improvement. • Strategic and specific • Measurable IPEGS • Attainable SMART Goal • Relevant • Time-bound By (Aug 28) (T) I will improve my performance in Standard ______(A) by implementing _________(S) in my _______class (R) as evidenced by ________ (M) Use your Notetaking Guide to write your SMART goal, filling in the information from your professional situation.144 48
7/26/2020 My Learning Plan Evaluation: Part 1 (S.M.A.R.T goal and agree/disagree statements) of the Evaluation will be available AFTER the completion of the final class meeting.145 My Learning Plan: Master Plan Points Part 2 (Application) should be completed after 1 week.146 My Learning Plan: Master Plan Points Part 3 (Impact) should be completed by the end of the 2nd week. Credit cannot be awarded unless the evaluation has been completed.147 49
7/26/2020 IPEGS Resources Websites M-DCPS IPEGS Information hrdadeschools.net/ipegs United Teachers of Dade www.utd.org Florida’s Department of Education www.fldoe.org148 Contact Information Office of Professional Development and Evaluation Dr. Kimberly Davis Administrative Director kdavis2@dadeschools.net 305-995-1239 Ms. Ada Fernandez-Vicaria Director afvicaria@dadeschools.net 305-995-7566149 IPEGS Questions ipegs@dadeschools.net150 50
IPEGS Professional Development Team (2024)
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